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Polska Platforma Tańca - en - Stefan Drajewski
Stefan Drajewski - miniatura

Stefan Drajewski

A journalist, theatre, ballet and music critic, a Polish philologist by education. He works in Głos Wielkopolski in Poznań. He also writes for national press, for example, Dwutygodnik.com, Notatnik Teatralny, Ruch Muzyczny, and Twoja Muza. He has published essays and interviews in collection books Poznaniacy. Portretów kopa i trochę (Poznaniacy. Lots of Portraits, 1996), Teatr Nowy w latach 1973–1987 pod dyrekcją Izabelli Cywińskiej (Nowy Theatre in 1973–1987 Under Izabella Cywińska, 2013), Pod prąd do źródła. Album jubileuszowy Polskiego Teatru Tańca (The Polish Dance Theatre Anniversary Book, 2013).

In 2015, Drajewski published, together with Jerzy Borwiński, a book Teatr Polski w Poznaniu (Polski Theatre in Poznań). He is the author of the only biography of Conrad Drzewiecki, Conrad Drzewiecki. Reformator polskiego baletu (Conrad Drzewiecki. The Reformer of the Polish Ballet, 2014), an extended interview Życie z tańcem. Rozmowy z Olgą Sawicką, primabaleriną polskiego baletu (A Life With Dance. Conversations with Polish Ballet Prima Ballerina Olga Sawicka, 2008), and a collection of poems about the June 1956 worker protests in Poznań Czarny Czwartek (Black Thursday, 2006).

Since 2012, he has taught music criticism and history of culture at the Academy of Music in Poznań.

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