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Polska Platforma Tańca - en - Paweł Łyskawa "NESTING"

Paweł Łyskawa "NESTING"

photo Katarzyna Machniewicz

premiere: 21 September 2015, Cracov (stage version) and 27 September 2015, Cracov (site specific version)

performance: Paweł Łyskawa, Magdalena Skowron, Dominik Więcek, Katarzyna Węglowska-Król/Katarzyna Żminkowska-Szymańska
choreography: Idan Cohen
assistant choreographer: Eryk Makohon
lighting: Eryk Makohon
costumes: Dominik Więcek
The work was created in collaboration with the Institute of Music and Dance within the Choreographic Commissions 2015 programme.

Nesting focuses on the search for a widely understood home. It presents people who, like birds driven by the primary survival instinct, are able to circle the globe, looking for shelter. The performance is based on the concept of a genealogical tree and nests constructed from cultural memories; it is an attempt to build a new language of discourse between the Poles and the Israelis who still share a huge cultural space. The authors seek answers to the questions about the origins of identity.

Idan Cohen, an independent Israeli choreographer, has developed, in collaboration with the dancers from the Cracow Dance Theatre, two versions of the piece, to be performed on or off stage.

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